Monday, November 25, 2013


Table Courtesy of Conservation International (2013)
The data from the table above makes it clear how seriously the Cerrado is being threatened.  For instance, of the 438,910 km2 remaining, a mere 111,051 km2 is being protected.  In addition, the plant and animal species that are endemic to the are are being threatened.
The Rapid Increase in Deforestation in the Cerrado between 2002 and 2008
Click image to enlarge
Patterns of deforestation in the Cerrado also emphasize the danger that region faces.  From the chart above, it is clear that deforestation in the area has rapidly increased between 2002 and 2008.  If this destruction of the Cerrado continues at this pace, it is likely that the entire land will soon disappear.

Agricultural Production in Brazil (2009)
The chart shows the amount of agricultural production Brazil contributed to the world in 2009.  Brazil is within the top 5 exporting countries for each of the crops listed, meaning that agriculture has become a large part of the country’s income, and therefore its impact on the land has increased.

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